


Caution. This target that this article treats is so like trash.

Hello, and welcome to DCWikil!


DCWiki, shortly called 'Diki', is a wikiwiki site made by Yu Sik Kim, the founder and the president of DCinside. April 24th, 2015, when the Rigveda Wiki situation had taken place, Yu Sik Kim opened DCWiki Project Gallery, and DCWiki started its service on June 1st, 2015. As DCWiki was a latecomer compared to Namuwiki and Librewiki, it lost its chance to adopt wiki users from Rigveda Wiki. However, considering the numberless users of DCinside, this site has the potential to grow into one of the most well-known wiki. As of now, not so many people concentrate on doing wiki. In fact, there was a dictionary named Dictionary for crocks, but it faded into obscurity mainly because of the discomfort of its interface. A four-digit number of articles of Dictionary for crocks were not absorbed in the DCWiki.


Potentials To Grow[편집]

It is hard to see well-explained articles in DCWiki as DCinside users hate being serious. Some people copy articles from LibreWiki, which are compatible with DCWiki in the perspective of CCL. However, people who hate LibreWiki vandalize those articles. If DCWiki wants to protect articles from vandalizm, administrators and a number of users had better monitor the site and restrict vandalizm. But, in fact, only few people want to contribute to DCWiki seriously, so it will not become a wiki-like site but a site where jokes go around.


DCWiki is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For more information, go to this webpage


there are 18 administrators' accounts. A full list of users with sysop privileges can be found in a special articles.

Admin07 and Admin11 do not exist[1]. These people are all motherfu...

Who are you!? Eupeup!!

The author of this article has disappeared.

There are also a few sub-admins who are called 'Power Wikier'.

Current Situation[편집]

In the early days of DCWiki, there was a time when there were one million edits per day. However, as of 2022, DCWiki is suffering from a lack of users. The perception of DCWiki inside DCInside is the worst, and DCWiki is perceived as a 'RuliWeb user's lair'. The causes of this include abuse of authority by administrators such as Admin02 and Muscle[2], abuse of templates, and the tyranny of some users from RuliWeb. Several users have tried to improve this, but sadly, this status has never improved. It doesn't look like it will be. If this status continues, the DCWiki service may eventually be terminated.

Articles Of DCWiki On Other Wikis[편집]

See Also[편집]

Other DCWiki articles in English[편집]


  1. to be precise, they are users who have accounts but have no contribution or admin privileges
  2. This is the Power Wikier described above. He was dismissed on August 31, 2021.
Category: The document whose author went missing | Trash