
디지털 밀레니엄 저작권법


(DMCA에서 넘어옴)

미국 디지털 밀레니엄 저작권법(Digital Millennium Copyright Act)에 의거하여 Google에 접수된 불만사항에 따라 이 페이지에서 XX개의 결과를 삭제했습니다. 원하시면 LumenDatabase.org에서 삭제 사유가 된 DMCA 불만사항을 보실 수 있습니다.

가끔가다 구글에 뭘 검색하다 보면 하단에 위 문장이 이탤릭체로 나온다.

한때 리그베다 위키 청사장이 이걸 근거로 좆무위키, 좆무위키 미러(현재 폭망)를 구글검색에서 내리고 좆무위키 게시판을 날려버린 적이 있다.


미국에서 1998년에 생긴 저작권법. DMCA라고 부른다. 내용은 저작권자가 웹사이트 운영자에게 '나 저작권자인데 니 웹사이트에서 어떤 씨발놈이 내글 퍼갔다. 당장 내려라'하고 말하면 웹사이트 운영자는 즉각 내려야한다. 즉각 내리면 웹사이트 운영자는 법적 처벌 안받음.

여기서 나온 말이 게시 중단이다.


Title I: WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act DMCA Title I, the WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act, amends U.S. copyright law to comply with the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, adopted at the WIPO Diplomatic Conference in December 1996. The treaties have two major portions. One portion includes works covered by several treaties in U.S. copy prevention laws and gave the title its name. For further analysis of this portion of the Act and of cases under it, see WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act.

The second portion (17 U.S.C. 1201) is often known as the DMCA anti-circumvention provisions. These provisions changed the remedies for the circumvention of copy-prevention systems (also called "technical protection measures") and required that all analog video recorders have support for a specific form of copy prevention created by Macrovision (now Rovi Corporation) built in, giving Macrovision an effective monopoly on the analog video-recording copy-prevention market. The section contains a number of specific limitations and exemptions, for such things as government research and reverse engineering in specified situations. Although, section 1201(c) of the title stated that the section does not change the underlying substantive copyright infringement rights, remedies, or defenses, it did not make those defenses available in circumvention actions. The section does not include a fair use exemption from criminality nor a scienter requirement, so criminal liability could attach even unintended circumvention for legitimate purposes.[1]

Title II: Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act DMCA Title II, the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act ("OCILLA"), creates a safe harbor for online service providers (OSPs, including ISPs) against copyright infringement liability, provided they meet specific requirements. OSPs must adhere to and qualify for certain prescribed safe harbor guidelines and promptly block access to alleged infringing material (or remove such material from their systems) when they receive notification of an infringement claim from a copyright holder or the copyright holder's agent. OCILLA also includes a counternotification provision that offers OSPs a safe harbor from liability to their users when users claim that the material in question is not, in fact, infringing. OCILLA also facilitates issuing of subpoenas against OSPs to provide their users' identity.

Title III: Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act DMCA Title III modified section 117 of the copyright title so that those repairing computers could make certain temporary, limited copies while working on a computer. It reversed the precedent set in MAI Systems Corp. v. Peak Computer, Inc., 991 F.2d 511 (9th Cir. 1993).

Title IV: Miscellaneous Provisions DMCA Title IV contains an assortment of provisions: Clarified and added to the duties of the Copyright Office. Added ephemeral copy for broadcasters provisions, including certain statutory licenses. Added provisions to facilitate distance education. Added provisions to assist libraries with keeping phonorecords of sound recordings. Added provisions relating to collective bargaining and the transfer of movie rights.

Title V: Vessel Hull Design Protection Act DMCA Title V added sections 1301 through 1332 to add a sui generis protection for boat hull designs. Boat hull designs were not considered covered under copyright law because they are useful articles whose form cannot be cleanly separated from their function.

영어 잘하는새끼가 번역해봐라.

주요 웹사이트의 DMCA 도움말[편집]

신고처리 ㅈㄴ 싫어한는 디씨는 저작권 도움말을 만들 생각이 있는지가 의문이다.