폿핏포(Po Py Po,Popipo)는 머핀 예찬용으로 작곡된 노래이다.
티아라의 노래 Bo peep bo peep과 혼동하지 말것.
필자도 처음에는 제목듣고 그 노래 생각했다.
Take A Look, Right Over Here; I'm Serving Muffins! Won't You Come And Take A Bite, It's Cool; I Insist! It's Good Right? Don't Lie To Me; These Muffins Taste Good! And They Only Cost You 2 Bits! It Is True That These Muffin's Taste Good So Light And Fluffy; My Mouth's Watering. If It Were Me, I Would Have To Suggest That You Pick The Chocolate One! Muffins Everywhere! Making Life Complete! Come And Join The Fun! Join Me In Loving The Muffins That Are Served!